Bondfire: Heaps of words

I will be present at Fotogalleriet in Oslo together with these artistes:Marte D. Jølbo, Christian Tunge, Morten Andersen, Line Bøhmer Løkken, Terje Abusdal, Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson, Christina Leithe Hanssen, Nina Strand, Charlie Fjätström, Fin Serck Hanssen, Marie Sjøvold and Tiago Bom.

June 15th, 11.00-17.00.

Come and we will talk about and saw photo-books together.

Fotogalleriet writes:

Fotogalleriet invites you to join us for an early St. Hans celebration! Do not miss the opportunity to listen to interesting artist presentations and the chance to get yourself some nice photobooks ahead of the summer holidays.

Dear fire fighters,

If you are reading this invite, you’re welcome to join us but only for listening in to incredible stories. We are preventing flames as much as you are, or to say it better, we are committed only to flames which are allowing people to think freely; our flames are only figurative and not material, and hopefully they just provoke change.

For this reason we prefer to sit down around an imaginary bonfire – rather than a real one (we all know well these times are getting tougher as the atmosphere is dry; but we can still have the food and fun of a real gathering)– while longing for the arrival of the midsummer night to celebrate with tales, meditation, stories and life adventures fearlessness, courage, and the unforeseen of life.

We have an incredible cluster of artists lined up for the occasion, and we look forward to honour antirepressive, scandalous and unorthodox believes (and all that lies in between). We respect photobook’s textuality and visuality in all of its forms, and we thank Mr. Gutenberg for his invention (we know he didn’t think of photobooks already of course, but quasi) which flooded Europe with books, as much as with manifest disruptive ideas intermittently carrying real power for change.

This is a chance to own a book, take care of it and preserve it for the future and hold home a testimony to the power of ideas: let’s make sure no danger will ever come near a photobook.

Long life to ideas!
