Berlingske: Here they are! The best and most debated art exhibitions of the year

The duo exhibition "The past in front of me" that Astrid Kruse Jensen and I had at Fotografisk Center in Copenhagen has been nominated by Berlingske's art editor Birgitte Ellemann Höegh as one of the best exhibitions in Denmark in 2021. The exhibition is curated by Kristine Kern.

Thank you for the invitation and cooperation.

You can read the article here:

And the full review here:

We are in very good company. The other nominated exhibitions are:

  1. Efter stilheden – kunstens kvinder tager ordet at Statens Museum for Kunst

  2. Rugile Barzdžiukaitė, Vaiva Grainyte and Lina Lapelytė: at Copenhagen Contemporary

  3. Mamma Andersson: »Humdrum Days« at Louisiana

  4. Trine Søndergaard: »Works« at Den Sorte Diamant

  5. Anne Imhof: »Sex« at Statens Museum for Kunst

  6. Laure Provoust: »Our elastic arm hold in tight through the clouds« at Kunsthal Charlottenborg

  7. Marie Sjøvold og Astrid Kruse Jensen: »Fortiden foran mig« at Fotografisk Center

  8. David Lynch: »Infinite Deep« at Nikolaj Kunsthal

  9. »Kirchner og Nolde til diskussion« at Statens Museum For Kunst

  10. Randi Jørgensen og Katrine Malinovsky at Kofoeds Skole

So nice that the exhibition can live on into 2022!