Om natten er alle alene/At night everyone is asleep (2011-2013)

“I am still awake. Night after night, I lay awake. Waiting for sleep to come to those around me. Listening to the uneven breathing that flows into a rhythm. For a split second it is as though something leaves their body. Something heavy, but at the same time light. It slides over into my body and spreads across the whole room. Up to the ceiling and into all the dark corners. Anaesthetising. I feel myself growing drowsy and warm. Fighting to stay awake. They slip into a world in which I can never participate. They are alone now. Sleep is like a little death.
The physical world and time cease to exist. A night can feel like an eternity or be over in a second. Sleep is a daily turning point, an ending and a new beginning. A time of waiting between two events that are a whole life in themselves.”